Film Reciprocity Tables
Here you find some Reciprocity tables for the most used Films. (others may follow)
I took the data from the original data sheets of the Film or collected them on other places on the internet.
What is Reciprocity and why do u need this table?
Most of the time, when you plan to do a long-term exposure, longer than one second, you will see the effect of reciprocity.
In simple terms, Reciprocity means, that when you expose your film to the light for (most of the time) longer than one second,
the effect that the light has on the emulsion is reduced. Therefore you have to alter your exposure time to get a correctly exposed image.
Also, reciprocity could take effect, when you expose your image for a shorter time than 1/1000s.
The following tables give you the start time (the exposure time you plan to shoot at) and the corrected time (the altered exposure time).
Really hope this table is helpful for you. Please feel free to share this link. :-)
How to calculate reciprocity correction.
Most film manufacturers provide you with graphs on which you can search for your measured time and then read your corrected time. But most of the time you do not find the exact time you measured, that ´s why some of the manufacturers provide you with the so-called (most of the time) “P factors”.
With that given “P factor” and the following Formula, you can calculate your exact corrected exposure time. Please note, that with some Films, the reciprocity curve is not linear. Means that most of the time the formula only works with higher measured exposure times. Mostly 50s+ (usually you find further information in the datasheet of the Film.)
Here is the Formula.
Tc=TM^p (TC= Time Corrected TM= Time Measured p=1,31 (P is a factor calculated following a range of exposure times) )
Warning: Some of the times were as already mentioned taken from other online resources, some were calculated by myself. I can’t give you any guaranty! Use at own risk!
Kodak´s official Reciprocity Diagram ends at 100sec measured time (1,40min).
Thankfully the friendly support of Kodak, provided me with “P factors” so you will be able to calculate values from 50s+ with that factor.
Note until a measured time of 50s the formula will not work, since until 50s the light curve is not linear. Keep that in Mind. :-)
For Tri-X, the “P factor” is 1.54.
The values of them are calculated using the given “P factor”. I stopped calculating at 20m measured time
since to me it started making no sense to use even longer times.
start time | 2s | 3s | 4s | 8s | 10s | 15s | 20s | 30s | 40s | 1m | 1,40m | 3m? | 4m? | 6m? | 10m? | 15m? | 20m? | 30m? | 1h? |
corrected time | 4 | 8 | 15 | 36 | 50 | 1,35m | 2m | 3,3m | 5m | 9m10s | 20m | 49m 32s | 1h 17m | 2h 24m | 5h 16m | 9h 50m | 15h 20 | XXX | XXX |
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Times were taken from another online resource, I could not find an exact table in Kodak´s datasheets.
I calculated the times from 1m with a “P factor” for T-Max 100, which was also given to me, directly by Kodak.
The “P factor” is 1.15
start time | 2s | 5s | 10s | 15s | 20s | 30s | 1m | 2m | 4m | 10m | 20m | 1h |
corrected time | 3 | 7 | 15 | 25 | 35 | 50 | 1m 50s | 4m 6s | 9m 6s | 26m 6s | 57m 55s | 3h 24m |
For Kodak T-Max 400, I Also got the “P factor” directly from Kodak.
The “P factor” for Kodak T-MAX 400 is 1.24. Also, keep in mind that this value only works from 50s (measured time ) up.
start time | 1s | 10 | 15 | 20s | 20s | 50s | 1m | 2m | 4m | 10m | 20m | 1h |
corrected time | +1/3stop | 15s | ca. 25s | ca. 25s | ca. 35s | 2m 8s | 2m 40s | 6m 18s | 14m 54s | 46m 25s | 1h 49m 39s | 7h 08m |
I calculated the times based on the datasheet of Ilford with the following formula also mentioned in the beginning of the article: Tc=TM^p (TC= Time Corrected TM= Time Measured p=1,31 (P is a factor calculated following a range of exposure times, provided by Ilford) )
You can find the Values for the different Ilford film HERE
The Reciprocity calculator app for Ilford gives me extremely different times. So I decided to go with the values directly from Ilford’s data sheet.
start time | 5s | 10s | 15s | 20s | 25s | 30s | 1m | 2m | 4m | 6m ? | 10m ? | 20m ? | 1h ? |
corrected time | 8s | 20,4s | 34,7,6s | 50,6s | 1,08m | 1,26m | 3,33m | 8,49m | 21,52m | 37,12m | 1h 12m ? | 3h 7sec ? | 12h 39m ? |
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Kodak Professional Color Negative Films
For the prof. Kodak colour negative films Kodak tolled me as follows:
“For our professional colour negative films, no filter correction or exposure compensation is required for exposures from 1/10.000 second to 1 second.
For critical applications with longer exposure times, it is best to do some testing under your conditions.”
Mummy 400 (experimental black and white film)
These are some correction times I found during an internet research. I never shot this film so I can not guarantee for them to be 100% right.
Especially between 1- and 10s I recommend further experimentation.
start time | 1/1000s-1/2s | 1s | 10s | 100s |
Time correction | 1x | 1.5x (1.5s) | 6x (60s) | 8x (800s) |
Aperture correction | 0 | -1 | -2.5 | -3 |
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One of the tags was for Kodak Gold 200, but I didn’t see a chart for Kodak Gold 200. Where can I find that reciprocity chart? Thanks!
Hi Kenny, sorry for your inconvenience! I somehow forgot to publish the part about the Kodak colour films. I corrected that now you will find the answer in the article.
but just so you do not have to search around here the answer i got from Kodak:
“For our professional colour negative films, no filter correction or exposure compensation is required for exposures from 1/10.000 second to 1 second.
For critical applications with longer exposure times, it is best to do some testing under your conditions.”
Thank you for reading my Blog. have a nice time.
Thank you very much for posting this information.
Do you by any chance have data for Film Project ‘Mummy’ 400 asa bw film?
Hi, according to the data sheet The Reciprocity correction times for the Mummy 400 Black and white film are.
Lengthening of exposure: 1/1000s – 1/2s= 1x | 1s= 1.5x | 10s= 6x | 100s= 8x
Correction of aperture: 1/1000s – 1/2s= 0 | 1s= -1 | 10s= -2.5 | 100s= -3
Please note: Since I never shot this film, I can not verify these datas. They are just what I found out doing a research on the web.
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